Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My brother.

This is the brother who always refuses to let me take his picture. SUCCESS!!! This is at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows release this summer, and I took it while aiming up at my brother while sitting on the floor in Barnes and Nobles when he got up to stretch. He didn't notice till after the picture was taken, and he hates it when I take his picture with no warning. Or with warning. In fact, if I warn him he usually covers his face. However, this time I managed to catch him (although he yelled at me afterwards and has now taken to calling me "paparazzi" which is a really attractive nickname) and refused to delete the picture because I loved the way the light falls on his face and arm. I also like the X that his arm/shirt crease forms with the strong line in the ceiling, and how it's echoed by the tiles in the ceiling above that.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Monterey Bay Aquarium

I know, everyone and their mother has pictures like this from Monterey Bay... But jelly fish are just so awesome!!!

So I guess I was going for more portraits of the individual jellyfish rather than lots of jellyfish pattern-y pictures. I'm a big fan of portraits, I don't know if you've noticed. :) I also really enjoyed the blue background with the particular color of these jelly fish - they're so calming, white and pale red, compared to other more electric-colored jelly fish.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

In the lab.

I know, I'm the only one really interested in molecular genetics, but here's something you can all hopefully enjoy about it.

How pretty! This is showing Matt Arnegard writing himself notes about microinjection into fish embryos. I love the light coming in through the windows here. If only my lab had floor-length windows, I'm very jealous of the Kingsley Lab. This is where I spent a week this summer learning various molecular techniques (like microinjection into fish embryos!), and honestly it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I also in general love lab-setting photographs because it seems like such a different world than the one that most of the planet usually occupies. Giant microscopes everywhere, bottles filled with random solutions scattered on desktops, everyone is wearing latex gloves... I find it strangely beautiful. But maybe that's because I'm just a huge nerd who loves science.