Some photos I took while doing field work in northern Norway...

One of the first lakes we went to, I love the mist on the water and really want to live in that little white house. (In the summer, anyway.)

This lake is called "Melavatn" and while this was by far the prettier half of the lake, there were far fewer fish to trap on this side so we spent a lot more time on the other side.

This is the view from the kitchen window of the house we were staying in. Taken at approximately midnight. Pretty cool shadow pattern on the mountains.

And on the way home, going down the Lofoten archipelago. Taken from a car window with a crappy point-and-shoot because my SLR was out of battery and we were camping, so I unfortunately can't fix the blown out sky, but the bird was such a stroke of luck that I think it's worthy of internet-posting anyway. :)