Saturday, October 20, 2007

So when I run out of other people to photograph, I take self-portraits

I almost NEVER EVER show my self-portraits to anyone else. I don't know why, I just... don't. So here is the world-premier of my self-portraits. Not the first of them, obviously, just the ones I took earlier this week. I don't know whether or not I'll print any of them out for class or not. Which is weird, since if I show them in class then about 15 people see them, whereas anyone could see them here. It's probably something weird and psychological about whether or not I see their reaction.

I made the backgrounds entirely black because I found the background of my dorm room really really incredibly distracting, so getting rid of it entirely seemed like a good idea. Right? They're taken using the light coming in through my window, which I love. I love using natural light, as silly as it may be. I'll probably be teased horribly if I actually do anything professionally with photography and tell anyone that. Anyway, I just liked that it made my skin look sort of luminous, especially after I obliterated the backgrounds using a combo of channel mixer, curves and burning. Good times.

1 comment:

pitchertaker said...

Maybe without the glasses????
