We walked from my friend's apartment to the Ford St. Bridge to watch the fireworks.

These are (from left to right) my friends Beth, Kate and Max standing with me on the other side of the bridge. About two minutes prior I was probably telling them off for destroying lung tissue.

And here is everyone leaving after the fireworks are done. The only woman who'd climbed up to sit on top of the bridge (she's standing here) turned out, upon closer inspection, to actually be a man in impeccable drag. Rochester is a great city.

This was my first time trying night photography, digital or film, so I just put my camera on Tv mode at 1/15 of a second (which seems to be the longest shutter speed I can handhold pretty consistently, although I think the last one has a little camera shake), and hoped the images would turn out. It worked out pretty well, I think - I really like it when some of my subjects are moving and others aren't, particularly in the middle image.
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