I like the interesting light on Child No. 4's face here. I think it's what drew me to take the image in the first place. This captures her pretty well, although I wish the top right corner was the same mottled green as the rest of the background and I'm not sure if I love or hate the shirt she's wearing... Is it slightly distracting or do the polka dots and touch of red add a nice extra element?

Ahh, Child No. 3. I love the look on her face here. It's so... thirteen? Very pouty. Not to mention the motion of putting on the sunglasses, which is like a shield against the morning to any teenager. This is on the way into the car as we left for our family road trip this summer. She was indeed very upset about being awake at the time, being that it was before noon, so clearly sunglasses were called for.

The first appearance of my mom! Here she is with Child No. 6, who's very very (did I mention very?) attached to my mom, despite (or perhaps due to) only being home since early this summer. This one's very typical of what you'd see if you happened to be in my house - my mom doing whatever (here I believe she was reading the newspaper), with Child No. 6 quite often just sort of attached to her. I also like the light here, raking in across them from the kitchen window and the fact that my mom is sort of oblivious to the camera while my little sister is looking straight at it, with a face that says "Yeah, that's right. This is MY mom." It's very sweet how much our adopted kids just adore having families. Of course, it's mutual.
Hey Anna, I love your portraits and of course your jelly fish photos!
Very, very sweet photos. Miss you love... let's catch up soon.
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