These are also at Camp Lasda, on Kelly Lake. In the first image Jana is filling bottles of water so we can do our water quality tests on them. We actually have a cooler full of pipettes and test tubes and even a portable suction unit in the back of our car to do the water quality, it's really pretty cool. Well, cool in a horribly nerdy sort of way, as we sit at the edges of these lakes and squirt water into test tubes and erlenmeyer flasks with our pipettes! In the second one, she's collecting algae in her tow, which requires her to swing the tow around her head before throwing it out into the water and then dragging it back to shore (or in this case, dock) to collect the algae in the tow's net.
Hey? Were EXACTLY are you?
We're based in Anchorage, but this lake is up in Wasilla. A lot of the lakes we're studying are in Wasilla, or on the Kenai peninsula, but I haven't been down to the Kenai. We're going up to Talkeetna this weekend, too.
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