This would be Child. No. Four, who always loves to play dress-up. It's a really great distraction - grab the box of dress-up clothes and Children No.'s Four and Five will be occupied for at least an hour before they start to fight over the tiaras, which lets me get a little something done. Or at least I get a television show under my belt which is always nice when I'm completely exhausted from their antics. So the two of them were swinging on the swing set in costume and I was photographing them, as I am wont to do, and just kept shooting (rather blindly, actually) as they were called inside for dinner. One after the other, they jumped off the swings and ran into the house, which is when I captured this one. I always love photos of them when they're in their dress-up clothes, it just makes everything a little less normal. Plus it probably says something really deep about childhood innocence or something, I don't know.
After being uploaded, my images seem to look a lot less saturated so maybe I'll try to counteract that in the future, and I hope the color balance doesn't make you all wince. I've been using photoshop for a few years now, but only recently with the goal of making my work look life-like!
Convert to profile sRGB for web before uploading and you'll see what color correction you need to take care of. Or use "save for web" option under file in PS.
Keep up the good work.....
That photo is beautiful! Keep shooting your siblings, they're awesome. Love you!
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